Safeguarding Updates
NHS - Childhood Immunisations Given in School
Concerns about the Summer Holidays
Pupils and Parents are often concerned or anxious about the summer holidays for a variety of reasons including: isolation, boredom, change in routine etc. Childline have some useful hints and tips for coping during the summer, please see the link below for more information.
The Big Issue
The Big Issue have compiled some information for parents to cope with the cost of living crisis this summer. Please see the link below for more information.
The Big Issue launches Summer Survival Guide to help families - The Big Issue
The Government have a tax-free childcare scheme for Parents in need of help with the cost of childcare during the summer and beyond, please see the link below.
Get help with summer holiday childcare costs - GOV.UK (
The Trussell Trust has an excellent website full of information on help for families struggling with the cost of living crisis.
The Trussell Trust - Stop UK Hunger
If you are concerned about homelessness please see information from Crisis homelessness charity.
Crisis homelessness charity - Together we will end homelessness