School Uniform
School Uniform
Our school uniform and personal conduct policy is in place to support parents with clarity to parents and to support our school’s ethos in terms of students being organised and prepared for the journey that lies in front of them.
That said as a special needs school we are often presented with requests to make an exception. These have been granted and will continue to be from time to time but for this there is a process that will involve consultation and documented evidence of sensory issues or other unavoidable requirements that relate to a specific need.
Pale blue polo shirt (long or short sleeved) required in Spring/Summer terms only
Royal blue V-necked jumper or cardigan with yellow trim required in Autumn/Winter terms only
Blue blazer with KHS emblem embroidered on pocket required in Autumn/Winter term only
Grey, black or white socks or black opaque tights
Black leather shoes with appropriate fastenings to support feet, smart leather look trainers are allowed but no running shoes please
Knee length black school skirt or shorts are permitted in summer worn with socks, and in winter worn with tights or leggings underneath
Black school trousers are permitted and comfortable jersey or stretch material is allowed but no form fitting leggings, faded jeans or chinos please
Gold and white striped dress for the summer (optional for junior girls).
Skirt length must be to the knee; skirts must not be rolled up to create a shorter skirt, nor must they be hemmed up. The blue band at the top should be visible at all times.
Denim and corduroy clothing are not acceptable; no hooded/non-hooded fleeces, sweatshirts or branded tops are to be worn.
Trainers must be worn only for appropriate activities, e.g., P.E.
If boots are worn to school, they must be changed for indoor wear on arrival.
Outdoor coats must be removed when entering the school buildings and must not be worn during registration, lessons, or in the school restaurant. Students may wear coats outside during break.
Logos, motifs, patterns on any item of clothing are not acceptable.
Pupils may wear their PE kit instead of uniform on days where they have PE lessons. This information will be shared by Class Tutors in advance. They may not choose this as an option for days where there are no timetabled outdoor activities.
Navy blue track suit top and bottom with embroidered Knowl Hill emblem required
Royal blue and white T-shirt with embroidered Knowl Hill emblem or white polo shirt with embroidered Knowl Hill emblem
Royal blue sports shorts
Sports Trainers (not fashion wear)
Towel and swimming costume to be kept in waterproof draw string bag (only required on occasions to be confirmed by teacher)
Purchasing Uniform
While we have a good relationship with Valentino, items that do not require embroidery can be bought from other clothing retailers e.g. Sainsbury’s, Marks and Spencer, Matalan.
The majority of our school uniform is supplied by
Valentino Schoolwear
The Knowl Hill Friends (PTA) run a well-stocked second hand uniform shop full of pre-loved, good quality stock.
We would urge parents to check the second hand uniform shop prior to purchasing new uniform items. Please contact the Knowl Hill School Office for more information.
Forest School – Outdoor Learning, Including Animal Care
Outdoor learning requires slightly warmer kit as well as skin protection for working in the forest.
There are two options for Outdoor learning Kit. Students can wear outdoor learning kit during the entire school day but only when outdoor learning is timetabled. Waterproof trousers and coat as well as spare shoes and socks are important on these days so that children can be dry and comfortable during classroom lessons.
Option 1
Outdoor learning kit (all specified clothing should be plain – only one colour and without logos)
Navy Track suite trousers
Blue long sleeve shirt
Navy Fleece (NOT A HODDIE)
In addition
- Waterproof coat (preferably with a hood)
- Waterproof trousers
- Hat / Gloves winter / sun hat suntan protection summer (advised all year round for outdoor activities)
- Welly boots or waterproof shoes with appropriate socks.
NOTE – Boots, hats and waterproof trousers should remain in school
Option 2
PE and outdoor learning combined
Please note that in cold weather students will need a fleece unless they have a very warm coat to cover the tracksuit top. They will also need to wear the PE tracksuit top in summer to cover their arms.
In addition as with the forest school kit.
- Waterproof coat (preferably with a hood)
- Waterproof trousers
- Hat / Gloves winter / sun hat suntan protection summer (advised all year round for outdoor activities)
- Welly boots or waterproof shoes with appropriate socks.
NOTE – Boots, hats and waterproof trousers should remain in school
Students are required to dress in accordance with the requirements from Skillway.
College Students
Occasionally students in year 10 and 11 spend a half day educated offsite at Farnborough college. Appropriate clothing is required for a college environment and this is also dependent on the college course that the student is attending. Students attending college are expected to change back into school uniform when they arrive back at school after their half day experience.
Non -Uniform Day
Although students are allowed not to wear school uniform on these days, there is still an expectation that students dress respectfully and appropriately. Students are not allowed to wear: unsuitable footwear; revealing tops, exposed midriffs, short skirts or shorts, inappropriate slogans on clothing, or have facial piercings. ***
If a student’s attire is deemed inappropriate, they will be asked to change and, if necessary, sent home to get changed.
***This is not an exhaustive list. Parents/Carers or students should check with their tutor before the Non-uniform Day if they need further clarity on what clothing is not permitted.
Accessories And Hair Colouring
No jewellery is to be worn apart from a watch or one pair of small stud earrings (worn in each lower lobe); no other body jewellery or piercings are acceptable. All jewellery must be removed during Physical Education.
Make up
Students are not permitted to wear make-up.
Nail varnish and acrylic/false nails / eyelashes are not allowed
Hair Colouring
Hair colours must be natural, and haircuts should be no shorter than a grade 2, with no razor or tram lines. Long hair must be tied back during practical subjects with plain colour hair accessories to match the school uniform. Hair jewellery is not permitted. If you are uncertain whether a particular style/colour of hair is permitted because of religious, cultural, or social customs, please consult the school.
Being prepared for each lesson is also very important. We have an equipment list that students need to ensure they have in school every day.
Rucksack which will fit into the school lockers
A4 Zip wallets – for reading book
Lunch box (named with an indelible pen)
Water bottle (named with an indelible pen)
Headphones or earphones – plug in, not wireless
Pencil case containing:
- Pencils
- Colouring pencils
- Ruler
- Sharpener
- Large pritt stick
- Appropriate age scissors
- Two rubbers
- Highlighters in a variety of colours
- Whiteboard markers in a variety of colours
Senior school – years 8-11 – also require:
- Lined or plain notebook for rough notes
- A4 ruled pad – wide rules with margin
- Collins Shorter School dictionary
- Writing pen
- Scientific calculator – to be discussed with Maths teacher prior to purchase to ensure it is the appropriate model.
Individual laptops, laptop bags and chargers are provided for all students and left in school. These are handed out each morning and collected to be put on charge at the end of the day. Having their own laptop promotes responsibility and also enables all children to get used to the assistive technology that is transformative to their learning. This is another reason why it is essential that students have headphones in every day.