Welcome Board of Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.
James Cooke – Director (Chairperson)
I was born and raised in a seaside village in New Zealand, where I played and coached rugby, served as a lifeguard for the Surf Living Saving Club and as a crew member of the RNLI lifeboat stationed in the village.
I taught for 7 years and served as Headteacher in a village school for 4 years. I moved to the UK and taught in both primary and secondary schools before taking up the position of Headteacher in a village primary school in Berkshire. I retired after 29 years in this post. I continue to work with aspiring leaders as a coach and through the National Professional Qualifications (NPQ) program.
I am married with four children. One of my sons has Dyslexia and, like many parents, we had to fight to have his needs recognised and for appropriate provision to meet his needs.
I was invited to join the Board in 2021.
Russ Law - Director
I started teaching after graduating from Leeds University, having subsequently completed a post graduate Certificate in Education. I later gained an MA in Education focusing on Curriculum Studies, and continued as a teacher then headteacher, acquiring the National Professional Qualification for Headship. My career included work in Yorkshire, Iran and Saudi Arabia, after which as an assessor and Coach, I worked for the National College for School Leadership. I have experience of school governance in Woking including several Ofsted inspections. My wife and one of my daughters are Teachers. I believe strongly in equality of opportunity for all children to achieve, and was impressed - following a recent visit- by the provision at Knowl Hill. I hope to support the school's ongoing mission to provide the very best environment for children to achieve and for staff, students and parents to work together with purpose and rigour.
Now that the school year is well underway, I plan to find time to come along and observe some classes. Although I have already gained useful insights into what makes the diverse and energetic pupils tick, I want to get to know the staff better. I plan to focus on how the teachers provide learning opportunities that challenge and encourage learners, how they gain the interest of students, and how they motivate them to work hard and take risks, not fearing errors but using them for their learning. Given the small class sizes, and despite the diversity of needs, I hope to see teachers and students gaining satisfaction from their work. An area of significant interest will be how staff with leadership responsibilities manage to support and develop their colleagues.
Anna Rhodes - Director (Therapy)
I was invited to join the Board in 2016, having enjoyed six and a half years of working with staff and pupils in this small and friendly community as the first Speech and Language Therapist to be employed directly by the school.
During my time working at the school, I built up a sound knowledge base of the difficulties encountered by young people who struggled with with language and literacy and, on the strength of this, I published a book of resources for teenagers with language difficulties, which is still selling well to this day. I completed my Masters in Special Education whilst working at Knowl Hill School.
I am married with two sons, both of whom have high level difficulties with literacy and so my experience of dyslexia is both professional and personal.
I have continued to work as a Speech and Language Therapist, currently employed part-time in the assessment centre in a special school. I also practice as a Registered Intermediary to support the communication between vulnerable witnesses and the judiciary system.
Maureen Spencer - Director (Safeguarding)
I am recently retired from North Surrey Magistrates, having sat in both the Adult and Family courts for 26 years. In my early career I qualified as a general nurse and Health Visitor before having my family. I have three grown up sons and many grandchildren and help regularly with childcare.
Mrs Nora Leggett - Director (Finance)
I am delighted to join the Board. After graduating with a Combined Arts Degree (English, French & German), I joined Hertz UK's graduate training scheme and settled into a general management career lasting over 40 years in the automotive sector. As a chartered member of the Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD), I have held various operational roles in my career with HR and learning and development specialisms at their core. Supporting young people so that they benefit from the tailored education offered at Knowl Hill School is my ambition but also that they see enacted in practice the solid principles of fairness, opportunity, tolerance and respect for difference - important social values that are increasingly important in the world of work. I have built a sound network throughout my professional life and I look forward to serving on the Board and adding value wherever I can.
Reading with students on an individual and group basis is one of the highlights of my week and I thoroughly enjoy my Friday morning visits to the school. Professionally, I have considerable experience in running a not-for-profit organisation and, recently retired, I now take an active role in business accounting for the Knowl Hill Foundation, and particularly the development of the new school campus at Bisley. I am an active member of the KHS Finance committee where I have responsibility for researching grants from potential funders to help us with our expenditure on buildings and equipment. To kit-out a single modern classroom with all the latest technology can cost anything up to £20,000 - so it is important that we try and secure funding and donations (monetary and equipment) from as many sources as we can. So, if there is any parent or carer who would like to make a donation to us or who has contacts in IT and technology companies (e.g. servers, laptops, whiteboards, CCTV and other security applications) - I'd be delighted to hear from you. You can contact me via the school office.